Graduation Countdown

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work
Link: SpencerAuthor.

This first tip was really great, don't compare yourself to others. I think this is way to easy to do sometimes as students, especially as a pre-med student. It is always what is your gpa, what MCAT score did you get, what are you doing, oh this person is doing this and that, should I be doing that, how can I be better than them, etc. This is the wrong mindset. For my first two years of college this was my mindset. It wasn't until I rediscovered my faith that I realized this was dumb. I am enough and I can still shine even though I am not doing what that person is doing. When I compared myself to others, as stated in the article, I either was arrogant or felt defeated or like less. The other big thing is learning to trust and believe in yourself. You are capable of doing so much and sometimes we hold ourselves back because we are afraid or just tell ourselves we can't. But when you believe in yourself and trust yourself and aren't afraid to make mistakes.

Why rejection hurts so much — and what to do about it. Link: Ideas

A study was done which showed that physical pain is lit up or is activated when we feel rejected. The article continued to say that this is probably because of our internal hard-drive from when we were hunter and gatherers. If you were rejected from the tribe or group, that pretty much was a death sentence because it would be very hard for you to find food and shelter alone. In today's society the result is not as heavy or lethal. However, it hurts still. We are social being and we desire to be connected. We desire to be known, loved, and cared for. I think for me, that was what I always desired and still do. But through my faith, I am better able to handle this rejection because I know that there is always one person who will love and care for me and be there for me; my God. So even though the world is tough and we want to fit in, I no longer want to fit in. I was made to be me, who God created me to be. Therefore, when the world rejects me I know my God is saying "it is okay. Remember, the world first rejected me". So I trust that even though I am rejected, God has a plan for me and I will continue to follow Him.

I think the most helpful feedback has always been constructive criticism. If someone tells me I did good or bad that doesn't really do much for me. It may make me feel a certain way but isn't useful. If someone were to say I really liked how you did xyz or I think if you did xyz it would of been better. That is more useful since I know what part exactly was good and where I can improve on. It is specific and not disrespectful. I remember in grade school someone telling me your project is terrible just start over. That was really hurtful. Not only did they not like my project but had nothing good to say about it or did not even help me fix it or advise me where to improve on. To conclude, if life is tough for you and people are not helpful, don't ever give up. Keep trying. Even if it takes hundreds of times, try, try, try again.

Are you ready for the challenge (whatever it might be)?

(Cat who does not give up. Source: Builder)

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