Graduation Countdown

Monday, April 8, 2019

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part F

Draupadi was so embarrassed that her husbands waged her. The Pandavas as slaves were forced to be naked. Draupadi was then being tugged at. She was about to be disrobed. She prayed to Krishna. The king took pity and let her and her husbands go. There was war coming. 

The Pandavas lost another dice came. This time they were required to be exiled for 12 years and go into hiding for one year. If they were found in the 13thyear then they would go into hiding for another 12 years. The Pandavas left homeless and without their jewels. 

The Pandavas losing again. Source: Youtube

Krishna was upset that the Kauravas had deceitfully cheated to make the Pandavas lose everything. Since Krishna couldn’t help them he was sad. Krishna blesses them and promises them his alligence when they go to war with the Kauravas. 

Arjun then left to the Himilayas to pray to Shiva. Arjun then started to shoot a hunter and the hunter shot at Arjun. Once out of arrows they began a fistfight. Arjun lost conscious and began chanting Shiva’s name. He realized the hunter was Shiva and forgave him. Shiva gives Arjun a celestial weapon and blessed him.  Arjun then begins to worship Indra. other gods then visit Arjun. They each gave them a weapon that they are fond of. Arjun then went to heaven to visit Indra. A big feast was held to welcome Arjun. Remember Indra is Arjun's father. Indra trained him for the great war that would come. 

Bibliography: Title:  The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author:  Epified TV (India) Year:  2015-2016 Epified Mahabharata 

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