Thursday, April 18, 2019
Tech Tip: Favicon
This is my Favicon!!
I chose this one because I thought it fit well with the theme of India/Asia. I also really like Pandas. I have been to different parts of Asia and got to see them up close and thing they are a unique animal. Therefore, I searched Panda and it came up with a bunch of favicons of pandas. This one was the cutest and looked like the best overall quality. Hope you guys like it! Try to make on yourself. Here is the instructions to add your own: Tech Tip Favicon.
I had never heard of these before so this was an eye opening and learning experience.
Tech Tip:Blogger Latest Posts
Hey everyone, I added a new sidebar! Check it out! You can view my 5 most recent posts
Lab Week 14: Storybook Research for 3rd Reincarnation
3rd Incarnations:
Shishupala- born with 3 eyes and four arms. Predicted that those disformaties would disappear by a certain person when they held him as a child but that same person would end up killing Shishupala. Once his cousin, Krishna, picked him up, his disformaties disappeared. His mother asker her newphew if he would pardon his cousin Shispupala for 100 offenses, he agreed. When Shishupala was set to marry Rukmini, Krishna carrier her away as she asked. This made Shishupala hate Krishna. At a ceremony, Krishna was the honored guest and Shispupala insulted him by saying he was a cower and worthless to be a honored as a king. That was his 100th offense. When Shispupala insulted him again as the 101st offense. Krishna released his weapon and killed him.
Dantavakra- cousin of Shispupala from maternal side. Did not like Krishna. Decided to attack Krishna to avenge his cousins death. He is killed by Krishna in a mace-duel.
Story 3: they are kids Ethan and Tricia
Tricia is Ethan cousin
Ethan is Tricia's cousin
Ethan was born ugly see picture below. He was only healed when they were in a playdate and Rick touched him. Tiny Rick instantly became the most popular person. Still in high school he was so popular and everyone wanted to hear what he said. Ethan was grateful that Tiny Rick healed him but in high school things took a turn. Ethan was seeing Jessica but it turns out she was only with him because she wanted to get closer to Tiny Rick. Tiny Rick eventually took her away from him. Since then he has hated Tiny Rick. Ethan plotted revenge. It started with accusing TR of cheating, saying TR was scamming people, would steal his things, etc. Anything he could do. His cousin Tricia also hated Rick, especially since she saw how hurt he was after TR took Jessica away. TR never fought back to Ethan when he played his tricks until one day.
They have a cafeteria battle which quickly goes from innocent fun to a fight to the death....
They have a cafeteria battle which quickly goes from innocent fun to a fight to the death....
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Tech Tip: Google Timer
I had no idea Google had a timer. I set one for ten minutes so I could take a 10min break after already working on school work for a while. I usually do not use a timer it is a more of how I feel basis. If I am tired then I will stop working unless I need to keep going. I usually take a break after about an hour of studying. Sometimes I get in a "studying groove", so I don't take a break but keep going. Other times after only half an hour I take a break because I just can't focus that well. I think thought that it is useful in managing screen time. For my iPhone I use the screen time software so it restricts how much time I can spend on Social Media, that way I can not waste all my time and be stressed later that I didn't do something. I probably wouldn't use the google timer that often though since I have an apple watch that can do that or my phone. However, this is a neat thing if my other devices are dead or not with me.
Office quote. Facts. Source:Imgflip
Tech Tip: Embedding YouTube (A&P)
As a future physician I have decided to use a video that relates to the body or the art of medicine.
These are both by crash course (which is a very good series that can help you learn things on certain subjects. It helped me with intro to biology and phycology!)
Welcome to the human body! Hope you learn something interesting! The body is so fascinating!
You are more just then a collection of cells!
Learn how medicine used to be practiced.
These are both by crash course (which is a very good series that can help you learn things on certain subjects. It helped me with intro to biology and phycology!)
Welcome to the human body! Hope you learn something interesting! The body is so fascinating!
You are more just then a collection of cells!
Intro to A&P (Crashcourse)
Learn how medicine used to be practiced.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part F
Draupadi was so embarrassed that her husbands waged her. The Pandavas as slaves were forced to be naked. Draupadi was then being tugged at. She was about to be disrobed. She prayed to Krishna. The king took pity and let her and her husbands go. There was war coming.
Bibliography: Title: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author: Epified TV (India) Year: 2015-2016 Epified Mahabharata
The Pandavas lost another dice came. This time they were required to be exiled for 12 years and go into hiding for one year. If they were found in the 13thyear then they would go into hiding for another 12 years. The Pandavas left homeless and without their jewels.
The Pandavas losing again. Source: Youtube
Krishna was upset that the Kauravas had deceitfully cheated to make the Pandavas lose everything. Since Krishna couldn’t help them he was sad. Krishna blesses them and promises them his alligence when they go to war with the Kauravas.
Arjun then left to the Himilayas to pray to Shiva. Arjun then started to shoot a hunter and the hunter shot at Arjun. Once out of arrows they began a fistfight. Arjun lost conscious and began chanting Shiva’s name. He realized the hunter was Shiva and forgave him. Shiva gives Arjun a celestial weapon and blessed him. Arjun then begins to worship Indra. other gods then visit Arjun. They each gave them a weapon that they are fond of. Arjun then went to heaven to visit Indra. A big feast was held to welcome Arjun. Remember Indra is Arjun's father. Indra trained him for the great war that would come.
Bibliography: Title: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author: Epified TV (India) Year: 2015-2016 Epified Mahabharata
Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part E
At first Draupadi did not like Subhadra. She gave her the cold shoulder but after talking with her she quickly came to like her. She said they could get married and the family planned the wedding between Subhadra and Arjun. Subhadra became pregnant with Arjun’s son. His son Abhimanyu.
Bhim tore Jarashandha in half. He came back together. So then Bhim tore him apart again but this time threw the two parts in opposite directions. Now his brother could become emperor without any fear.
Duryodhan thought the floor was crystal but it was actually a pool. He then fell into the pool to his embarrassment. Even Draupadi laughed out loud. He then walked out and this further strengthened his hatred of his cousins.
Shakuni hatched a plan to take away the kingdom from the Pandavas. He said he will challenge him in dice and he will win each way. This way they can get the kingdom and there will be no bloodshed. I am surprised that Yudhishthir didn’t stop once he lost a couple of times. He is pretty smart and the king after all. By continuing forward and trying to be nice he is actually creating war. If he would of just stopped and realized this is unfair and they are harming them then they might not of went to war. By continuing forward he made everyone look down on him. He wagered his wife, which is so wrong. This caused his wife to be a slave and maid. She prayed to Krishna for help since none of the elders helped her.
Bibliography: Title: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author: Epified TV (India) Year: 2015-2016 Epified Mahabharata
Draupadi humiliated. Source: Youtube
Bibliography: Title: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author: Epified TV (India) Year: 2015-2016 Epified Mahabharata
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Lab Week 12: Storybook Research for 2nd Reincarnation
2nd Incarnations:
Ravana- follower of Shiva, great scholar. Stole Sita from Rama. Kingdom of Lanka and great ruler. Convicned by sister to capture sita. two of his brothers said no to this, one was banished and the other still fought with Ravana. Ravana eventually killed by Rama.
Ravana in my story will be played by the one-true Morty and he will rule over MortyTown and all of the Mortys there. He will be convinced to abduct Tammy to be his wife. Rick will be Birdperson who is in love with Tammy and will fight to get her back. Instead of monkeys to help him fight back he will use an army of Snuffles.
One True Morty. Source: Pocketmorty
some of the followers of one true morty. Source: aminoapps
Bird Person. Source: Fandom
Tammy. Source: Redditt
Snuffles. Source: Fandom
Kumbhakarna- younger brother of Ravana. Monstrous size and great appetite. Good character and great warrior. So intelligent and unchallenged warrior in battle that Indra was worried and jealous of his strength. Tongue tied and accidentally asked for boon of bed for sleeping instead of Indra’s seat. Ravana approached Brahma to undo this and switched so he only slept six months and when he woke ate everything around him including humans. Awokened only by 1,000 elephants walking on him. Tried to tell Ravana not to fight Rama but did not listen. He still chose to fight with his brother because of loyalty. Died from Rama. Could eat everything in his sight. No one wanted to wake him. It took everything for people just to wake him.
KumbhakarnaIndia Times
Summer will be Kumbhakarna after a freak accident makes her huge.
Summer huge. Source: Reddit
Since Sita and Rama are married. I decided to include a little backstory of the marriage of birdperson and Tammy.
Wedding. Source: Fandom
I will have One True-Morty and his morty followers and Giant Summer be like Ravana and Kumbhakarna. They will fight against Bird-Person (Rick) and of course lose. This will be their second reincarnation story.
Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part D
Pandavas attended Swayamvar as Brahmins. In order to win they had to lift this bow and then hit a fish in the eye. Arjun went up and got the bow and hit the eye easily. Everyone was shocked since no warrior could do this before him.
Draupadi insulted Karna. Said he would never be with a princess nor was he worthy of being a king. Krishna attended but did not participate. He was happy that Arjun hit the eye of the fish and was set to marry Draupadi.
Kunti thought her sons brought food and said that whatever her sons brought they soon share equally. The brothers brought in Draupadi. Kunti said they should all be her husbands. The Pandavas return home and the eldest his proclaimed king. Krishna comes with the Pandavas.
People came to Indraprstha and left the kingdom of Hastinapur. Yudhisthir gave people mansions. They said it was an amazing city. This made the Kaurvas very upset.
Arjun left after going into his brother’s room with his wife. He did this to help a Brahmin. His brother said he did not have to go but he still went instead. He was a noble person. He sacrificed his safety and life for someone else. He then still goes through with the penance even though he does not have to. He went with Brahmins to the Himalayas.
(Arjun with Brahmins in exile. Source: YouTube)
Bibliography: Title: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author: Epified TV (India) Year: 2015-2016 Epified Mahabharata
Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part C
Karna has been turned away from each teacher because he was a charioteer’s son. Karna learned form Parshuram all about art of war. He taught him the highest secrets. One day a scorpion stung him but remained silent so he wouldn’t wake his teacher. This caused Parshuram to turn him away since no Brahum could remain silent. Parshuram even cursed him saying that the day he needed these skills he would forget them.
Bibliography: Title: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author: Epified TV (India) Year: 2015-2016 Epified Mahabharata
Arjuna displayed his archery skills, which impressed everyone. Karna out showed Arjuna. However, since Karna was not invited he was not declared victor. The Pandavas laughed at him after finding out he was not of royal blood. However, their teacher declared him a king and the padavas mom Kunti fainted after hearing his story.
Drona became poor with his wife and children. He remembered a childhood friend promised him a share of kingdom once he became king. He went to see the king and the king laughed at him and kicked him out.
Bhim seems like a one-man show. He is massive and super strong. He carried all his brothers and mothers for miles without resting. He then went to go find water for them while they rested. He even killed Bakasur by himself. Something no one else dared to do.
Karna being taught by Parshuram. (source: Youtube)
Bibliography: Title: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author: Epified TV (India) Year: 2015-2016 Epified Mahabharata
Friday, April 5, 2019
Wikipedia Trail: Frigg to Hitler
So I started off my Wikipedia Trail search with Figg who is the wife to Odin. Odin the the ruler in germanic mythology. Figg is also a goddess. I found Figg from our class announcements and wanted to learn more about here since I had never heard of her but had heard of her husband and son (Thor).
I got to Marvel Comics from Figg. While reading about Figg it talked of course about her family and then any TV or Media appearances. I did not realize that she was actually in the Marvel Movies of Thor. I believe the first Thor. That is Figg! I love Marvel Movies so it made me want to click on it and learn more about them. Marvel was not always successful as it is today
I don't know this is a hidden comic or not but it seems funny haha. This was created by the people that came before Marvel. It is written as a kids comic book. It is about World War 2 and this Rabbit that is saving people. He is invincible except one spot on his head where even a feather could knock him out.
I got to Hitler since the Super Rabbit took place in WW2. The Super Rabbits main enemy was this pig with a Hitler mustache. I decided to click on Hitler and learn more about him. Something I did not know was that Hitler was actually in prison before rising to power.
Super Rabbit Comic. Source: Wikipedia
Learning Challenge: Empathy: I wish my teacher knew
I read the article I wish my teacher knew... which were was a moving and humbling experience. I had not heard of anything like this before. It really blew me away with the answers that some of the kids wrote. I bet how it can really change a teacher's perspective when preparing lessons or interacting with students. One of the ones said they wish their teacher knew that they didn't have pencils at home so they could never do hw or that their parents were never around so they could never sign their reading log. I think it could be easy for a teacher to get upset or discipline a student since they didn't do something like hw. However, by knowing what is going on they can better understand the situation. I think the teacher can maybe provide pencils to the student who doesn't have any at home. It is a really tough situation not only for students but also fellow students. I think for me it could be easy to see a classmate who is not doing well or doesn't have their hw, etc and just think that they don't care about school or aren't trying but in reality their home life could be difficult and prevent them from doing well. I think more teachers should do this if they can.
(I wish my teacher knew... Source: nytimes)
Reading Notes: Babbitt Jataka Tales B
The Princes and the Water-Sprite
This one reminded me of what happened with Rama and his brothers. The queen wanted the youngest to rule the whole kingdom after getting a boon from her husband the king. It shows that the youngest children truly are spoiled haha. I liked how in both stories that the youngest son respected the tradition of not ruling or realizing the mom was wrong and stuck to his brothers. Rama's younger brother stayed but it was Rama's sandals that were in charge. In this story they all left the kingdom until the father died. It seems to me that the younger ones always seem to get themselves in trouble. The Sun Prince got himself taken by the Water Sprite as well as Moon. But the Star Prince was not only wise but loving. He knew his family would want the Sun Prince because the Father made him the ruler.
The Princes and the Water-Sprite by Ellen C. Babbitt
Why the Owl is not the King of the Birds
To me this story is silly and unfair to the owls. It makes sense how each animal kingdom has their own king so the birds naturally want a king. I wonder why the Owls and the Crows are enemies though. They could hardly bother each other since they both are active in times that the other is sleeping. I could see how each could kind of annoy the other when sleeping simply by the sound they make but still. Since the crow complained the owl was not the king. I feel like most people have something to say about someone so it stinks when one foul person ruins your career or success or kingship. The owl naturally looks like that which is unfair but I can see what the crow means by I wouldn't want someone like that as king if you can't tell if they are happy or sad or mad.
This one reminded me of what happened with Rama and his brothers. The queen wanted the youngest to rule the whole kingdom after getting a boon from her husband the king. It shows that the youngest children truly are spoiled haha. I liked how in both stories that the youngest son respected the tradition of not ruling or realizing the mom was wrong and stuck to his brothers. Rama's younger brother stayed but it was Rama's sandals that were in charge. In this story they all left the kingdom until the father died. It seems to me that the younger ones always seem to get themselves in trouble. The Sun Prince got himself taken by the Water Sprite as well as Moon. But the Star Prince was not only wise but loving. He knew his family would want the Sun Prince because the Father made him the ruler.
The Princes and the Water-Sprite by Ellen C. Babbitt
Why the Owl is not the King of the Birds
To me this story is silly and unfair to the owls. It makes sense how each animal kingdom has their own king so the birds naturally want a king. I wonder why the Owls and the Crows are enemies though. They could hardly bother each other since they both are active in times that the other is sleeping. I could see how each could kind of annoy the other when sleeping simply by the sound they make but still. Since the crow complained the owl was not the king. I feel like most people have something to say about someone so it stinks when one foul person ruins your career or success or kingship. The owl naturally looks like that which is unfair but I can see what the crow means by I wouldn't want someone like that as king if you can't tell if they are happy or sad or mad.
(The Owl and Crow. Source: Gateway)
Why the Owl is not the King of the Birds by Ellen C. Babbitt
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Storybook Unfinished Separation Edit cutouts
Morty asked, "Will you please tell me about her and how she died?"
Buff Morty again nodded.
"Your sister, Princess Nebulon finally had it. She was tired of the people rioting and not wanting to follow her but rather be under the Council of Ricks. These people don't understand. We are much better than the council. Ricks only care about themselves and not us which is why Princess Nebulon wanted to make a point to the council of Ricks. She went down to visit Unity, whom as you know, is in control of all normal life on this planet but not for us supeior beings like Morty's or Zigerions (the breed that Princess Nebulon is). Unity can only control those lowly Humans. Since those Humans didn't respect us she went to Unity to destroy her. Your sister was destoying Unity. As Unity was on her last breathe and as we were about to become control of the whole planet, guess who shows up? Krombopulous Michael. The Council of Ricks must of sent him to save Unity, the love of thier lives. Since without people, the Ricks would have no one to control and Rick's always have to ben in control" Buff Morty said rolling his eyes. He continued, "Well, like I was saying. As soon as Unity was about to be killed, the assasin Krombopulous Michael (could that be Rick, Morty thought) came in and killed your sister. He took care of Unity and healed her back to health. Then you know what he did next? Just carried on with his day on to the next person on his hitlist. "
Buff Morty again nodded.
"Your sister, Princess Nebulon finally had it. She was tired of the people rioting and not wanting to follow her but rather be under the Council of Ricks. These people don't understand. We are much better than the council. Ricks only care about themselves and not us which is why Princess Nebulon wanted to make a point to the council of Ricks. She went down to visit Unity, whom as you know, is in control of all normal life on this planet but not for us supeior beings like Morty's or Zigerions (the breed that Princess Nebulon is). Unity can only control those lowly Humans. Since those Humans didn't respect us she went to Unity to destroy her. Your sister was destoying Unity. As Unity was on her last breathe and as we were about to become control of the whole planet, guess who shows up? Krombopulous Michael. The Council of Ricks must of sent him to save Unity, the love of thier lives. Since without people, the Ricks would have no one to control and Rick's always have to ben in control" Buff Morty said rolling his eyes. He continued, "Well, like I was saying. As soon as Unity was about to be killed, the assasin Krombopulous Michael (could that be Rick, Morty thought) came in and killed your sister. He took care of Unity and healed her back to health. Then you know what he did next? Just carried on with his day on to the next person on his hitlist. "
Week 11 Story: Plankton and Krabs the Greedy
Far Far Away, in a town deep deep below the sea there was a crab. This was no ordinary crab. He was a very greedy one. His name Eugene. Eugene Krabs. His goal, to have the best burger in town. He would search far and wide for the best recipe. He would give away his junk and make profits off of it. Why? Because one mans junk is another mans treasure as he would say. However, in the same town lived a Plankton, who's name was well Plankton. He too wanted to be like Mr. Krabs and have the best burger. However, he was not so greedy. He really had nothing to his name but an old run down bucket that he used as a restaurant and a computer for a wife. These two were the best friends growing up but the search for the best burger caused them to grow apart.
After years and years of searching they had not found the special recipe that would make everyone love their food. Out of fear that the other would find it they both kept up the search. They both felt like the hit Rock Bottom after all these years. Then it clicked. Rock Bottom. They had not searched there, so both of them went to the small town of Rock Bottom.
Mr. Krabs arrived their first and started to explore. Plankton got there a little later and was on the other side exploring. Occasionally they would see each other and would glare and go back searching.
Mr. Krabs came across this household that was obviously very poor. He thought about skipping it simply just because of the way it looked. However, he went in. He told them what he was looking for. The young girl in the house needed money to survive. She begged him to please help her out and he said not without giving me what I deseire. The young girl began to cry "I don't know if I have what you are looking for. I just have this old cookbook my grandfather gave me." Mr. Krabs scoffed. "I could buy a cookbook from the store. Why would I want your grandfathers?" said Mr. Krabs. The young girl looked at him and said "he always made the best food and his burgers were my favorite." Mr.Krabs asked to look at the book. He flipped through the pages and it seemed like a normal cookbook. However tucked between some pages was a recipe, a recipe to his burger. Mr. Krabs had to hold back his excitement. He knew this could possibly lead him to a fortune but as a cheap and greedy crab he did not want to pay much for this so he said it was not valuable and all he could give her was 1cent. The girl cried and held on to the book so Mr. Krabs left and planned on returning to see if the girl would change her mind.
However, Plankton then came in when Mr. Krabs left. He told her what he was looking for and she said I don't have what you want. A crab came in here and told me that this book I had was pretty much worthless. Plankton the wise scientist, wanted to see this book and verify for himself. She showed him the book and he begin looking through it and saw the recipe. He said "That was a foolish crab. This book is so valuable. I will give you my restaurant and all the money I have. Use it to go to school and get a good life!" The girl was so happy that tears of joy began to leak out. Plankton quickly left the town and moved to a new city.
Mr. Krabs, eventually came back to the house and saw the girl moving. He said, "What happened? Have you gone broke?" "Oh, the contrary", she said, "I am rich. A little plankton came in and bought the book from me with all that he had." Mr. Krabs was furious. He knew his enemy had won. Krabs would no longer have the best burger under the sea.
Plankton started his own business in a new city. His burger gained a lot of popularity and within a couple of months, he was the richest person under the sea and had the best burger under the sea.
Authors Note: I modeled this story off of the Merchant of Seri by Ellen C. Babbitt. In the story there were two merchants that were friends. They both were selling things. One was greedy and wanted to get a bunch of things for as cheap as possible and then sell them for as expensive as possible. The other was a fair merchant who just wanted to live happily and search for treasure but not cheat people. The greedy one found a pan made of gold and told the family it was worthless while the other one came in and bought it and became the richest person. I thought it would be fun to do this story about Spongebob characters. Mr. Krabs immediately popped in my head because he is greedy. I decided to do plankton simply because they are always against each other and are doing the same thing of searching for the best recipe.
Bibliography: Jataka Tales: Merchant of Seri by Ellen C. Babbitt. Gatewaytotheclassics
Krabs vs. Plankton (source: Odysse)
Mr. Krabs arrived their first and started to explore. Plankton got there a little later and was on the other side exploring. Occasionally they would see each other and would glare and go back searching.
Mr. Krabs came across this household that was obviously very poor. He thought about skipping it simply just because of the way it looked. However, he went in. He told them what he was looking for. The young girl in the house needed money to survive. She begged him to please help her out and he said not without giving me what I deseire. The young girl began to cry "I don't know if I have what you are looking for. I just have this old cookbook my grandfather gave me." Mr. Krabs scoffed. "I could buy a cookbook from the store. Why would I want your grandfathers?" said Mr. Krabs. The young girl looked at him and said "he always made the best food and his burgers were my favorite." Mr.Krabs asked to look at the book. He flipped through the pages and it seemed like a normal cookbook. However tucked between some pages was a recipe, a recipe to his burger. Mr. Krabs had to hold back his excitement. He knew this could possibly lead him to a fortune but as a cheap and greedy crab he did not want to pay much for this so he said it was not valuable and all he could give her was 1cent. The girl cried and held on to the book so Mr. Krabs left and planned on returning to see if the girl would change her mind.
However, Plankton then came in when Mr. Krabs left. He told her what he was looking for and she said I don't have what you want. A crab came in here and told me that this book I had was pretty much worthless. Plankton the wise scientist, wanted to see this book and verify for himself. She showed him the book and he begin looking through it and saw the recipe. He said "That was a foolish crab. This book is so valuable. I will give you my restaurant and all the money I have. Use it to go to school and get a good life!" The girl was so happy that tears of joy began to leak out. Plankton quickly left the town and moved to a new city.
Mr. Krabs, eventually came back to the house and saw the girl moving. He said, "What happened? Have you gone broke?" "Oh, the contrary", she said, "I am rich. A little plankton came in and bought the book from me with all that he had." Mr. Krabs was furious. He knew his enemy had won. Krabs would no longer have the best burger under the sea.
Plankton started his own business in a new city. His burger gained a lot of popularity and within a couple of months, he was the richest person under the sea and had the best burger under the sea.
Authors Note: I modeled this story off of the Merchant of Seri by Ellen C. Babbitt. In the story there were two merchants that were friends. They both were selling things. One was greedy and wanted to get a bunch of things for as cheap as possible and then sell them for as expensive as possible. The other was a fair merchant who just wanted to live happily and search for treasure but not cheat people. The greedy one found a pan made of gold and told the family it was worthless while the other one came in and bought it and became the richest person. I thought it would be fun to do this story about Spongebob characters. Mr. Krabs immediately popped in my head because he is greedy. I decided to do plankton simply because they are always against each other and are doing the same thing of searching for the best recipe.
Bibliography: Jataka Tales: Merchant of Seri by Ellen C. Babbitt. Gatewaytotheclassics
Reading Notes: Babbitt Jataka Tales B
The Wise and the Foolish Merchant
This story was very interesting it made me think of Jesus in the desert and how he was tempted by the devil. I imagined how thirsty he might of been and how it could be very easy it would be to hear something you want, like how the foolish merchant thought there would be water in the desert. I found it also interesting that the wise merchant was also called the thrifty merchant at the begging. These words are by no means the same thing so why did they change as the story progressed, was it because he was wise that he is thrifty? However, with the other merchant they called him stupid and young. Was the wise merchant also old and therefore attain wisdom?
Wise and Foolish Merchant by Ellen C. Babbitt
The Ox Who won the Forfeit
I really liked this story because I think it is very applicable in our lives today. The owner wanted to be rich and knew his ox was so strong that he wanted to prove it to everyone. Seems to be kind of prideful. Then when he is showing off he starts bad talking it and hitting it. I think he does this because he is trying to take control of the situation so he thinks that displaying anger and force that this will make the ox listen and do what he wants but it actually does not. The ox later shares that his owner has never done this so why now. The next time, the owner wants to show off his ox and regain his money so he compliments the ox and it moves. I think in hard situations it is easy to get angry and upset and want to have control but sometimes it takes us to be our "normal" selves even in this hardship. That we should just embrace it and still be kind and ourselves. When you want someone to do something to you, you don't belittle them but thank them and compliment them. This was same for the ox.
The Ox Who Won the Forfeit by Ellen C. Babbitt
The Ox and the Owner. Source: Gatewaytotheclassics
This story was very interesting it made me think of Jesus in the desert and how he was tempted by the devil. I imagined how thirsty he might of been and how it could be very easy it would be to hear something you want, like how the foolish merchant thought there would be water in the desert. I found it also interesting that the wise merchant was also called the thrifty merchant at the begging. These words are by no means the same thing so why did they change as the story progressed, was it because he was wise that he is thrifty? However, with the other merchant they called him stupid and young. Was the wise merchant also old and therefore attain wisdom?
Wise and Foolish Merchant by Ellen C. Babbitt
The Ox Who won the Forfeit
I really liked this story because I think it is very applicable in our lives today. The owner wanted to be rich and knew his ox was so strong that he wanted to prove it to everyone. Seems to be kind of prideful. Then when he is showing off he starts bad talking it and hitting it. I think he does this because he is trying to take control of the situation so he thinks that displaying anger and force that this will make the ox listen and do what he wants but it actually does not. The ox later shares that his owner has never done this so why now. The next time, the owner wants to show off his ox and regain his money so he compliments the ox and it moves. I think in hard situations it is easy to get angry and upset and want to have control but sometimes it takes us to be our "normal" selves even in this hardship. That we should just embrace it and still be kind and ourselves. When you want someone to do something to you, you don't belittle them but thank them and compliment them. This was same for the ox.

The Ox Who Won the Forfeit by Ellen C. Babbitt
The Ox and the Owner. Source: Gatewaytotheclassics
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