Graduation Countdown

Monday, March 4, 2019

Week 8 Progress

Based on the grading chart I am ahead of schedule! By the end of week 7 we should have 205 points, as of right now I have 234 points which is almost what you should have by end of week 8 (235 points).

I am very pleased with my progress in the class! The thing I am most proud of is definitely my storybook on Rick and Morty! This is always the assignment I look forward to working on. It was pretty easy to set up too! I got to be really creative and even added gifs to my story which I love haha

My routine seems to work, although it is now differently than we normally scheduled out. Some days I just do an assignment a day which is unlike how I had it scheduled and other days I do at least 2 or 3 assignments which is how I had it originally scheduled. However, life happens, which is why I like that I have quite a bit of freedom of when to work on everything. I have been trying to do the extra credit options. My two favorites are the tech tips because they always teach me something new about technology and wiki trails because that one is just fun and also helps with my project. Recently I tried the Heart one and that one I also liked and was able to learn about sleep which is something I have been working on this semester of getting at least 7 hours a night.

The one change I would make is trying to stick to my original plan of when to work on things. Sometimes I procrastinate and then am behind and have to catch up or forget to turn in an assignment and then do it as extra credit. I would instead like to work ahead and do extra credit in case of a week where I have a tough week of exams in my other classes then I won't be behind. That is what happened a few weeks ago, I had a bunch of exams and lab reports and forgot to do an assignment and didn't have time for one either. Something I might try to add to my adding is more character dialogue. To me this is the hardest because I usually just say this person did this instead of letting the characters speak for themselves.

(Motivational Image. Bandofcats)
My motivation to succeed for the rest of the semester, a cute cat that says everything is easy when you are cute. Although unfortunately not true, I still liked it and it made me smile. 

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