Graduation Countdown

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part A

There have been many scribes or sages that have taken into account this story. Over the course of time each has had their own twist or personal touch to the story.
This is an account of how karma happens. Karma shows how Every event is a result what happened before it and a cause for after it. 

In the beginning the king had a son named Devavrat. He vowed he would never marry or have any children which made the heavens shake so his father could marry a girl he loved. It was surprising that the king’s son did this and the king was still not happy even though he was upset because he wanted this girl.Granted his son a boon to choose when he dies and he won’t die unless he wills it. 

It was interesting Bhishma allowed one of the captive princesses to go back. Women did not have much power back then so I thought Bhisma would reject this request. 

It is crazy that Amba is going to such extent to ruin Bhishma’s life. IT would seem more logical to go to another town and find another lover there. I can see how she is mad and upset with Bhishma but this does not justify her actions. 

It was crazy that Vyasa would “curse” the children based off the reaction of the queens. However, the servant girl bore a pure child that would probably be the avatar of a god since the girl loved Vyasa fully. 

 Right now everything seems great! The kingdom now has a king with a queen and the other brother is in charge of the armies and has two wives and everyone in the kingdom is happy. It seems unlikely how things could get so bad in the future. 

(This is the great sage who the two princesses thought was ugly and scary and therefore were frightened by Vyasa. Source:Static)

Bibliography: Title:  The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author:  Epified TV (India) Year:  2015-2016  Epified Mahabharata 

I have attached the playlist of part A here. 

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