Graduation Countdown

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Tech Tip:Weather

I added a weather widget to my blog! Check it out on the right hand corner!

If you want to do the same, click on the link below!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Lab Week 10: CrashCourse Mythology

Mythology is a bunch of things combined together. Mythology is also open up to interpretations; it could be historical, legends, etc.  Some people even put their own spin on myths. Myths usually do not have authors

Some myths are primitive science. Some myths can explain the story of the seasons or creation of the universe.  Also myths are used to explain religious beliefs.

Plato equated myths with lying. However, he made his own myths, which he said were true.  
The Greek and Roman myths were influenced by demons who wanted the stories to prepare their listeners for the story of Jesus. Therefore this provides a contrast between him and pagan gods.   Myths vs logos. 

Cambell said myths allow people to relate to the world. 

Myths are based on opposing binaries; male vs female, hero vs villain, etc. 

Make sure you look at the context when you look at the myths.

What does hero mean?  
Cambell created the hero’s journey. They live in a safe place, travel to a dangerous area, and then return home. 
3 parts and 17 subparts. 
Part 1: hero separates himself from the world. They usually receive a call and then refuse the call until someone helps them realize they should take the call. Part two in the trial of the journey.  This represents phycology danger.  Hero usually has to resist charms of a woman or a tempter. You then must face the father figure. Part 3 is the return and integration of the hero to the society. Usually it is hard to return home. They either have to cross a threshold or are kicked out of their home or that the home is now a too slow way of life that they don’t want to return. 

Cambell thought we could all be heroes. 

Greek Mythology. Source:Youtube

Source: Youtube Mythology

Reading Notes: Epified Krishna Part B

 Brahma tested Krishna’s divinity.
Krishna decided to play a trick on Brahma. He created the lost cows out of himself. No one could tell the difference. The children were not real. Brahma used his divine power to realize that all of the cows were actually Krishna and was amazed. 

Kindness is the ultimate strength. Once his brother wanted to be strong enough to kill the mighty bull but he advised against this. He cared for the bull so much that he tamed it and could ride it. 

When Krishna left, the whole town begged him not to go. He said sometimes a duty in ones life makes someone leave the safe place that is his or her home.  Krishna and his brother both went with Akrur to Mathura. Akrur, a devotee of Vishnu, while washing his face saw Vishnu in his true form. Akrur never told Krishna what happened. This is interesting. You would think a devotee of Vishnu would tell the incarnation of Vishnu that he just saw Vishnu. HE didn’t though. Maybe it would scare Krishna? Seems strange. His uncle was not happy that Krishna was in town. The people loved Krishna a lot which only angered his uncle more. The elephant that the whole town is afraid of reminds me of the bull. It parallels nicely.  However, this time, violence was the answer. 

In the end Krishna kills his uncle and saves the city. He rescues his grandfather and parents. He then moves the whole city to a new location and becomes king. 

Krishna becomes king. Source: Youtube

Epified: Krishna Part B. 
Bibliography: Title:  Krishna Author:  Epified TV (India) Year:  2015 blogspot.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Reading Notes: Epified Krishna Part A

(Krishna. source: Wikipedia)

Krishna had enemies before he was born and tried to keep him from being born or growing up. 
He was really powerful.
Krishna was not apart of anyone’s word but they were apart of his. 

The king put his own sister in prison with her husband. He then killed all of Devaki’s children after sentencing them to prison. (6 total). Vishnu was coming to to Earth and animals rejoiced.  Devaki birthed the eighth reincarnation of Vishnu.  
 Devaki let her husband go in silence. Vasudev took Krishna and went to the river. Traded kids with the queen of the cowherd. He then returned to Devaki. 

A woman once approached Krishna and his mom. She became close and stayed with them a while. Then one night when everyone was sleeping she turned into a demon and took Krishna. She wanted to kill Krishna by feeding him poisoned breast milk. The child instead took everything from her; the poison did not affect him and she died. The poor Krishna was always attacked by demons that were sent by the king but Krishna always destroyed the demons. Even Indra was impressed by him. 

Even though Krishna was a god he was a naughty child. He got in trouble a lot. He would burst vases of women carrying water. He even had a gang of followers.  Seems crazy that a god would mess around or steal. Seems like injustice and wrong. When Krishna ate mud his mom told him to open his mouth. She did not see mud but the universe. She realized that this was not just a child but also the Brahmand. 

Epified: Krishna Part A. 
Bibliography: Title:  Krishna Author:  Epified TV (India) Year:  2015 blogspot.

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part B

Kunti has a secret in her past. 
She was gorgeous and wise. She was given a gift to speak to a god. She chooses the sun god to test the gift. The god embraced her and when he left a child was left in her arms. Since she was unmarried she decided to put the boy in a basket. She placed the basket in the river and said bye to her son. 

Pandu made a mistake when hunting. He shot a hermit couple who were making love and the hermit cursed him saying he would die when he became intimate with a woman. Pandu told people he would not return to the palace.  

Kunti told Pandu she could call gods and have children. Pandu was overjoyed and told her to start immediately.  They had five children total. Kunti returned and found Pandu dead after a moment of passion. Kunti took the children to the palace. Kunti was everything to the children. 

Arjuna was taught the divine weapons. He was the only one of the Pandevas. Arjuna was mad that this student was taught by drona. Drona suppressed justice and justice. He then made the poor boy cut of his right thumb. This therefore ended the poor boys chance of being the best archer the world ever saw. 

This story was also different than the Mahabharata than I read for class. I however like the change. I can see the artists creative side and I liked having a visual to aid in viewing the story. The only thing is that it is just looking at hand drawn images instead of being a movie.

(Arjuna. Source: Wikipedia)

Bibliography: Title:  The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author:  Epified TV (India) Year:  2015-2016 Epified Mahabharata 

This is where part B starts. Feel free to watch episodes 9-17. 

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part A

There have been many scribes or sages that have taken into account this story. Over the course of time each has had their own twist or personal touch to the story.
This is an account of how karma happens. Karma shows how Every event is a result what happened before it and a cause for after it. 

In the beginning the king had a son named Devavrat. He vowed he would never marry or have any children which made the heavens shake so his father could marry a girl he loved. It was surprising that the king’s son did this and the king was still not happy even though he was upset because he wanted this girl.Granted his son a boon to choose when he dies and he won’t die unless he wills it. 

It was interesting Bhishma allowed one of the captive princesses to go back. Women did not have much power back then so I thought Bhisma would reject this request. 

It is crazy that Amba is going to such extent to ruin Bhishma’s life. IT would seem more logical to go to another town and find another lover there. I can see how she is mad and upset with Bhishma but this does not justify her actions. 

It was crazy that Vyasa would “curse” the children based off the reaction of the queens. However, the servant girl bore a pure child that would probably be the avatar of a god since the girl loved Vyasa fully. 

 Right now everything seems great! The kingdom now has a king with a queen and the other brother is in charge of the armies and has two wives and everyone in the kingdom is happy. It seems unlikely how things could get so bad in the future. 

(This is the great sage who the two princesses thought was ugly and scary and therefore were frightened by Vyasa. Source:Static)

Bibliography: Title:  The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution Author:  Epified TV (India) Year:  2015-2016  Epified Mahabharata 

I have attached the playlist of part A here. 

Monday, March 4, 2019

Tech Tip: Featured Post

This blog is about my featured post. I went to my blog and added a feature post so everyone can see it on every page, no matter what they click on. It is displayed on the right hand side. I decided to use the featured post to feature my intro. This way people can get to know me if they are just reading a story of mine or commenting on my comment wall. I have also updated my intro which is why I want more people to read it or go back over it.

Tech Tip: Countdown Widget

Hey Everyone, I have added a countdown widget to my blog. Check it out, it is at the very top!

I made this countdown! It is counting down the days to graduation!!

Week 8 Progress

Based on the grading chart I am ahead of schedule! By the end of week 7 we should have 205 points, as of right now I have 234 points which is almost what you should have by end of week 8 (235 points).

I am very pleased with my progress in the class! The thing I am most proud of is definitely my storybook on Rick and Morty! This is always the assignment I look forward to working on. It was pretty easy to set up too! I got to be really creative and even added gifs to my story which I love haha

My routine seems to work, although it is now differently than we normally scheduled out. Some days I just do an assignment a day which is unlike how I had it scheduled and other days I do at least 2 or 3 assignments which is how I had it originally scheduled. However, life happens, which is why I like that I have quite a bit of freedom of when to work on everything. I have been trying to do the extra credit options. My two favorites are the tech tips because they always teach me something new about technology and wiki trails because that one is just fun and also helps with my project. Recently I tried the Heart one and that one I also liked and was able to learn about sleep which is something I have been working on this semester of getting at least 7 hours a night.

The one change I would make is trying to stick to my original plan of when to work on things. Sometimes I procrastinate and then am behind and have to catch up or forget to turn in an assignment and then do it as extra credit. I would instead like to work ahead and do extra credit in case of a week where I have a tough week of exams in my other classes then I won't be behind. That is what happened a few weeks ago, I had a bunch of exams and lab reports and forgot to do an assignment and didn't have time for one either. Something I might try to add to my adding is more character dialogue. To me this is the hardest because I usually just say this person did this instead of letting the characters speak for themselves.

(Motivational Image. Bandofcats)
My motivation to succeed for the rest of the semester, a cute cat that says everything is easy when you are cute. Although unfortunately not true, I still liked it and it made me smile. 

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I think the feedback I am getting from my classmates has been very helpful. My classmates have definitely helped me with my grammar and helped me make my sentences flow better. They also give good assessments and advise in how to improve my story or what I may be missing. A lot of people gave feedback on my draft of Story 1 for my storybook and it really helped me add stuff to provide the readers with all the background info they needed.

I think I have been giving pretty good quality feedback as well. Although, I may not give a lot of advise regarding grammar or punctuation I do provide feedback in other areas. I bring up questions that I had while reading, allowing them to address this and fix the story. I also tell them of anything that doesn't flow when I read it so they can fix it or give suggestions on word order.

I have been getting a little bit of sense from contacting others. It has shown me how many pre-med people we have in this class. I also can get to know people that I would have never met due to my major. I do like my intro and how people can get to know a little bit about me. I had to update it recently so now people will see a change which is exciting. I think people will read my blog and have a better sense of who I am based off what stories I read or take notes on or what stories I write of my own.

I think my feedback is very useful so I do not know if I would change much. Sometimes I provide a lot of comments which could be overwhelming to some people. So maybe having a balance of good comments and giving thoughts on what to fix or think about.  

(Feedback cat. Cheezburger)
I like these pictures because I don't think we ever fail unless we quit at something. We may make mistakes or not do as well as we hoped but we can learn from this and improve. As long as we grow from these then we are on the right track. Use feedback to be better. So people may give you a lot of feedback and you may feel like you failed but you didn't, you now have the opportunity to use this lesson in the future to not make the same mistakes. 

Week 8 Reading and Writing

I have really enjoyed the reading assignments! They have all been so fascinating, sometimes I would just continue reading the next day's assignment reading because I could not stop! The writing assignments are also pretty fun. It allows me to practice my creative and writing skills using a story we read that week. This has definitely been useful when writing my website project because without all these weeks of practice I would have been very stressed and found this assignment very difficult to do.

I am pretty satisfied with my blog. I like it but I love my project website! Probably because I have a bit more freedom and am actually telling an a story that takes place over a period of time. Also, because it is about Rick and Morty!!

I think my biggest accomplishment has been finally starting to be more articulate and detailed and able to come up with ideas. At first I had no idea what I was going to write about and how I would do so. I don't think I am the best writer which is why I was unsure of how everything would be. I would say I have grown and am more confident in my writing!

I think my favorite reading was the Mahabharata and the war that occurred. This had a lot going on with the characters and really involved the gods and a wide range of cast. It was also interesting with the brothers of Karna and Arjuna.

My notes have helped me greatly! Mainly what I write my weekly story about is based off a story I took notes on during the week. In my notes I also write ways in how I can make it different, what I liked and did not liked, and what I wondered what would happen if something else happened. This allows me to remember these things when I start writing my own story and I can more easily create a story.

(Journey to Hell. Wikimedia)
This is one of my favorite images that I used when doing my reading assignments. It shows Yudhishthira going into hell. If you look closely you can see the path he walks on is full of skeletons and that there are demons or beasts with wings and look terrifying. It seems very dark except the light by the god that is leading him. To me this shows his trust and his courage. It is just an image that really draws me and makes me think of the afterlife and my faith in God. 

The only thing I can think of about getting more in the future is maybe more images. It was very helpful with the Sita video to visualize what was happening and it was in a creative way. I know there may not be things like this but maybe images about the scenery or the gods or characters.